Richard's Gardens

A record of my final year at university......and beyond

30 April 2006

Ticking boxes

So's not to waste any time, I've come up with a plan


Bunking off

I feel I've sinned. Went to a birthday party yesterday and a plant sale at the Museum of Garden History today (Picture of the knot garden left).

Have just done the lighting concept this afternoon and have peeked at the list of things left to do.

Setting out and drainage next and then.....the hard and softworks layouts and the site contextural board - What the hell are they?


26 April 2006

More tulips

Thanks for your comments!

Here's some more out this morning. Tulipa 'China Pink' behind a variegated yucca.


25 April 2006

Tulip time

Despite being a 'late' year, the tulips seem to be on time.

Libertia peregrinans in foreground, Tulipa 'Ballerina', Euphorbia characias subsp. wulfenii, and Berberis darwinii as a backing, looking good this morning!

Right, must get on with some work...


21 April 2006

Lighting effects

Thanks to Christine I've found a new tool in photoshop, the filter, render, lighting effect!


19 April 2006

Model montages

On to the planting plan!

Model montage

Before and after views....

At last I've got a modelmontage style I like!


18 April 2006

Really sick of photomontage

Have spent the day taking photos of the model, and tried different photomontage methods without much success.

The effect of photoshop on my eyes has been really detrimental and, following a trip to the opticians, I've now got to wear glasses for close work. This course is officially bad for your health!

On a day like this, I really want to be outside. I'm therefore praying for rain until June, to keep temptation away.


16 April 2006

Sequential Sketches

Have spent the last few days working on the sequential sketches.

As usual, everything takes longer than you think!

Here's a sample.


09 April 2006

Having a break from college

Have been brick laying this weekend, making a retaining edge for the paving in an ongoing project, a narrow town garden, where the existing linear path was to be retained.

The owners wanted an area for themselves plus a separate paved area for their dogs.

The bottom section was completed at the end of last year (apart from the planting), and we are now working on the area nearest to the house.

A pergola provides the transition between the two areas and once covered in climbers, will hopefully break up the linearity of the path.

The small fence is a temporary measure to keep the dogs out of the bottom section of the garden, and this will be removed once the yew hedge has grown into an adequate screen/barrier.


04 April 2006


At last the flyer is complete. Front and back cover shown surrounded by other rejected attempts!


From this weeks issue of Private Eye.