I'd always known that my garden was a bit 'boring' - just lawn with borders on either side. It was only when I was up on the roof (see previous post) that I realised just how dull it was.
The previous owners had constructed a path of broken concrete slabs that ran to the middle of the garden and then stopped - a path to nowhere. I've finally taken this up and created a curved bed so that next year, you won't be able to take in the garden in one glance - all simple stuff but it does make the garden look more interesting already.
I can't believe that it is almost November - everything is still looking lush and growing away happily - a bit disturbing really! To the left of the picture is my pride and joy from this growing season, E. wildpretii x E.pininana Hybrids, from a seed sown in February, lending a touch of exotica to proceedings.