Richard's Gardens

A record of my final year at university......and beyond

28 January 2007

What took you so long?

At last, my first "Cambo Estates" snowdrop.

I'm not sure how it feels being so far south but it's very welcome. There are others beginning to force their way through, but this is the first one in bloom so I thought I'd record it here.


21 January 2007

Hellebores and Pulmonarias

After the damaging gusts last week (five fence panels need to be replaced) it's good to see signs of life in the garden. Hellebores and pulmonaria beginning to flower.... still no sign of the snowdrops though!


15 January 2007

Cobaea Scandens

I grew a few of these plants from seed, a "freebie" sent with my copy of Gardens Illustrated at the beginning of last year.

The seedlings were really odd, emerging in a rush one morning, sturdy and pale yellow. It took them a while to get going but eventually they romped away, twining through other climbers.

Described as being a late summer bloomer, I waited and waited but nothing - until last weekend. In the early morning light and accompanied by a faltering new season dawn chorus(which was lovely to hear!),trumpets in both pale and dark mauve, a welcome burst of colour at the darkest time of year.
