Richard's Gardens

A record of my final year at university......and beyond

26 February 2007

Growing from Seed

Now that I have a park to plant up, I have to think about bedding schemes on a budget.

Currently the island bed within the park is home to "Persian Carpet" wallflowers, lily flowered tulips and three central phormium "Bronze Baby".

Once their season is finished in May, summer bedding will take over. I started off some santolina "santa" last autumn and will use these as edging. I'm growing white pelagoniums, lime green tobacco plants and pink cosmos and have yet to decide which to use in the main display area.

The RHS seed dispersal scheme has provided me with loads of free seeds, the only problem is where to grow them all. As usual at this time of year, floor space in my living room becomes limited!

I'm trying zinnias , heliotropes, gauras and salvias amongst others for the first time this year. As usual, I'm impatient...can't wait for the days to lengthen, the soil to warm up and to get planting.


Out this week

Narcissus 'Jetfire' enjoying the sunshine this morning!

17 February 2007

Catherine Grove Park

Remember my park....? Not a lot's been happening during the winter, just clearing leaves, general maintenance work and crown lifting the trees.
The bulb planting carried out the in the Autumn is beginning to bear fruit.... Not quite a sea of crocuses but I like the effect, and a perfect sunny day to enjoy them at their best.

Narcissus 'February Gold'

The first narcissus out this week, 'February Gold' living up to it's name and much earlier than last year!