Richard's Gardens

A record of my final year at university......and beyond

25 June 2007


All this rain has at least made the garden look good!

24 June 2007

First out today

Cosmos 'Pink Parasols' and Hamerocallis sp.

23 June 2007


Aeonium arboreum 'Zwartkop' bedded out with Sedum spectabile, contrasting with Libertia peregrinans. Lilium regale & Melianthus major and Catalpa bignoniodes 'Pulverule' in front of a purple Acer.

17 June 2007

Onorpordum acanthium

Scottish thistle making an impact behind the Cersis and the Echium stem, now devoid of leaves.

11 June 2007


I love this Verbascum and must remember to collect the seed.

It's my last one and I'd hate to lose it!


08 June 2007

Out this week cont.

The last of the oriental poppies and Rosa glauca

Out this week

Echium from a seed last year now towering over the garden and sending out spires of Wedgewood blue flowers. The first clematis I have ever managed to get to flower, Sweet peas and Verbena bonariensis

03 June 2007

Barrier Park

The geraniums in the 'Dry Dock' in Barrier Park looking great earlier today.


Out this week

Libertia peregrinans, Campanula persicifolia, Nigella damascena and Lychnis coronaria

Langdale Road SE10

Completed Garden

Langdale Road SE10

Before and After photos/sketches, Plan Section