Richard's Gardens

A record of my final year at university......and beyond

24 May 2009

Garden 24th May 2009


Beautiful Rousham

10am, Bank Holiday Sunday, the place to ourselves - wonderful!

Boring Chelsea

Not much to inspire this year (yawn)

17 May 2009

Out this week

View of the garden and Alchemilla mollis, Sedum and Carex testacea

Out this week

iris 'Jane Phillips' and Gladiolus byzantinus

Out this week

Irises, Hydrangea petiolaris and Viburnum plicatum 'Mariesii'

Out this week

New Mahonia leaves, Thalictrum and Aquliegia "William Guiness"

11 May 2009

Aquliegias & Irises

Welsh poppies

This week

Alliums amongst Euphorbia heads and a view of the garden

04 May 2009

Libertia grandiflora and Choisya ternata

Out this week

Iris, Tellima grandiflora , and Welsh poppies

Swifts - first of of the year!