Richard's Gardens

A record of my final year at university......and beyond

14 January 2010

More King Penguins

Volunteer Point Christmas Day 2009

To Volunteer Point on Christmas Day, to see the largest colony of King Penguins on The Falklands, 500 breeding pairs!, Got stuck on the way and had to be towed out!


The Capital of The Falklands. Photos include The Governors House and The Cathedral with Whale bone arch, and a small row of Victorian/Edwardian Terraces on Ross Road !

13 January 2010

Leaving Sea Lion Island

A view of the Island from the interior of the plane, and a couple opf sunsets from the night before

Sea Lion Island

More images from the island, including a lone King Penguin

Birds of Sea Lion Island

Some of the birds found on Sea Lion Island including the Cobbs Wren, world population 4000!

Alos shown, Snipe, Tussock bird, Sheathbill and Johnny Rook


What the Killer Whales are hunting for!

Sea Lion Island

Killer Whales cruising around the Elephant Seal Pup Nursery Pool (made famous on the BBC Life Series), looking for an easy meal.

Albatross Courtship

Albatross Courtship

Black Browed Albatross

The Falklands holds 70% of the world population of this Albatross.

Youngsters practice their courtship routines. These birds can live to be over 80!

Back to The Rookery Beach

Back to the Rookery and another stunning beach, empty apart from Magellenic penguins