Richard's Gardens

A record of my final year at university......and beyond

31 January 2006

Seed Sculpture

Whilst flicking through the latest edition of Gardens Illustrated I came across an article about the sculptor Barbro Raen Thomassen who examines weed seeds close up, then sculpts them in Portland limestone.

This, together with her landform art, has triggered off all sorts of ideas for my detailed area. Seating, impressions of seeds in paving materials, mounds representing the shapes of bits of old mechanised farming head is spinning!

Her web site is - worth a look!

It's always good to talk through ideas with others (preferably with other designers/design students). As Kemal commented, often your own ideas become stale and can't move on in isolation. Perhaps there would be some benefit in setting up an additional student workshop to talk through ideas before presentation (a pre crit crit for students?).


27 January 2006

Detailed Area Plan & Sections

Sadly, the 'detailed area' had scant detail to start with, other than the existing farm buildings so I've had to add some interest to it.


26 January 2006

The promise of spring

I know it's bitterly cold outside today, but there is the promise of spring to come.

Here are my Euphorbia rigida's (again), this time looking more like "little rays of sunshine" (thus described during our plant ident two years ago and quite appropriate).

It's at this time of year that my thoughts turn to planting seeds for the coming season. I'm trying Mahonia lomariifolia, Euphorbia epithymoides, Echium wildprettii x echium pininana and Arum italicum v. marmoratum amongst others - Can't wait to see how they develop.


24 January 2006


Onwards and upwards!

Been working through the crit sheets.

Need to make my sections less cartoonlike and add to the biodiversity of the lake using wildlife, waterfowl and fish species.


22 January 2006

And some more...

More images from the site

Masterplan Sections

Finished sections. I'm not too happy with the woodland, as I don't know whether the trees in the background should be darker or lighter to suggest distance - I think they should be darker but can't face doing any more to them!


20 January 2006

One thing out of the way......

19 January 2006

Random Image

15 January 2006

New views through site

Seasonal Change

14 January 2006


13 January 2006

Dammed if I do, damned if I don't

It all seemed so simple.

Flood the campus to get rid of the ugly buildings whilst retaining their footprints underwater!

Little did I realise how difficult this would be. Having finally got my hands on a book on creating Freshwater Wetlands it now becomes apparent how difficult the task is and how much research I still need to do.....

The bottom line is - I need a dam.

Attached diagram shows the changes in level throughout the site using the benchmarks from the map.

Back to the drawing board


12 January 2006

Scanning & inserting pictures

10 January 2006

Land patterns

Aerial Photo Hadlow

07 January 2006

Masterplan - Initial Plan/Sections

Here are the initial plan/sections for the Sustainable Living Community at Hadlow. I've taken the view that unless I put something to paper I'll have nothing to show on Monday. I know that I haven't resolved all the issues of the site, but at least I've got a rough plan to move forward on.

As the brief says, the product is a 'transient starting point' that 'set up a framework for development'.


Buy More Pencils!

It will take more than you think!


05 January 2006

Staring out of the window

As usual when there are deadlines approaching the slightest distraction is of interest.

I have a large Cotoneaster lacteus growing outside my house. Every winter the birds arrive and strip the berries, starting at the top and methodically working their way down.

Great for them but not so good for my car parked underneath!


04 January 2006

From Metro 04/01/06