Richard's Gardens

A record of my final year at university......and beyond

07 March 2006

Process Blues

Chicken, egg, plan, model...

Fed up me:

I feel I've reached the point where I need to do the model now, before doing anything more regarding the detailing.

I just can't understand the need to do lighting, drainage and planting plan overlays now, simply to do more overlays once the model is done and the changes required become obvious.

I know it's all "process" but its a long drawn out one!

Normal Me:

Just shut up and get on with it. June is just around the corner!



  • At 10:02 am, Blogger NOT a happy bunny and cous! said…

    I know what you mean. I have just purchased my foam board and am about to embark on my model, rather than another redraft, which I feel is definitely imminent!!


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