Let me tell you about my day
Up bright and early to get the 'money shot' at Barrier Park for my precedent images... a view of the cafe with people outside enjoying their surroundings (a rare event, the place is always devoid of humans whenever I'm there).
Remember my camera and a couple of spare batteries. As I'm approaching the Blackwall Tunnel, I feel something burning in my pocket. Fish out a set of keys that have been burning into my leg. The batteries had touched my keys, reacted together and super heated the keys. As I dispose of the batteries fearing that they will explode, an overheight lorry enters the tunnel causing a monumental jam. As I wait patiently (wishing that I'd got the drawing board in the car with me) a motorcyclist hits the car behind me, causing a further jam.
Arrive in Barrier Park just as the sun disappears behind clouds. Cut my losses, snap away and drive back through the tunnel to be confronted with a road block and a lorry in flames on the flyover.
Hours later I return to the drawing board having wasted half a day....
p.s. 17.21 A client has just emailed to tell me the Acer palmatum 'Bloodgood' I supplied has died (cost £125 plus VAT). Just gets better and better!
At 8:01 am, Raina said…
Wow, what a day! Batteries and key eh? will try and remember that one. There is nothing more annoying than trying your hardest and being foiled at every turn with something that is out of your control.....I blame the lorry and bike drivers! Hope you are back on track now
At 7:35 pm, Annie said…
Hope you feel better just having talked about your experience -'sharing' it with us. The image looks great anyway - and perhaps it was worth the while to just get away from the drawing-board.
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