It was good to get some feedback yesterday. I've found the overlay technique somewhat trying. In the past I've always spent minimal time on plans (as I find them difficult to read) and just gone ahead into axos and sketches to get a 3D feel (we live in an age of instant gratification!). I guess that I need to do a bit of work on this...
I'm going to try to catch up with the materials and planting overlays this week (and catch up on reading previous handouts!), and do some sketching to visualise specific areas within the plan.
Here's a sketch of the entrance to the site, looking towards the visitor centre. The idea is to have a grove of birches, arching over the pathway, to instill a sense of mystery, with glimpses of the visitor centre to the right, the uprights of the birches contrasting with the horizontal line of the visitor centre roof, and the brooding presence of the existing silos to the left, at the start of the journey. Imagine bird song, and noises from the undergrowth
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