Richard's Gardens

A record of my final year at university......and beyond

05 July 2006

Loquat's are ripening!

All over London, the fruits of Eriobotrya japonica (Loquat/Japanese Medlar) are ripening. This doesn't happen every year (it depends on the weather) but it looks as though we are going to have a bumper crop.

I can't describe the taste (it's like no other fruit I've eaten). They need to be peeled and the flesh is like a lychee, but I can remember that they taste really good if eaten ripe (when the fruit is orange).

I think there may have been a trend for planting them in the 1970's?, (maybe a John Brookes thing?) as the trees all seem to be about the same age (I guess tree ferns will have the same 'date stamp' in history in years to come).

Anyway, if you see them, go scrumping! Plant the seeds too - they are easy to grow.


Definition of 'scrumping' - Nicking fruit and windfalls from a garden that is not your own.


  • At 7:14 pm, Blogger Annie said…

    Hi Dickie! I planted a couple of Eryobotria japonica seeds two years ago (having first eaten the fruits!) from a plant at Perryhill Nurseries where they usually have a good stock of them for sale. As you say, they are easy to propagate, and my plants are doing well, although still in pots. Going to plant them out shortly. Definitely encouraged by your comments!

  • At 8:10 am, Blogger dickie said…

    Cheers John - Good luck with the job, house etc.

  • At 11:21 am, Blogger Annie said…

    Just reporting that I planted my two loquat plants in my allotment plot the other day. Thanks for the inspiration to get on with it!


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