Richard's Gardens

A record of my final year at university......and beyond

01 August 2006

Out this week

Centaurea montana, grown from seed in February are beginning to flower. Germination of the seed was not good (two plants from a packet of seeds), but I've now got two full sized specimens, which should provide useful early colour next May.

Elsewhere, Cactus flowered Dahlias are opening, and crowding out all the other plants around them (I must try to space them better next year!) The colony of Rudbeckia
fulgida v. deamii are beginning to bloom, looking good with Echinacea and a backdrop
of Agapanthus foliage.



  • At 5:15 pm, Blogger Annie said…

    I admire you for your ability to keep up with this diary of what's going on in your garden. It all looks lovely, and obviously (and deservedly)gives you a lot of joy. Keep it up!


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