Richard's Gardens

A record of my final year at university......and beyond

03 August 2006

Catherine Grove Green Space Action Group

I'm lucky enough to have a small park opposite my house.

Due to confusion within Greenwich Council over which internal department is responsible for it's upkeep, it has become neglected.

Shrub borders are overgrown, Sycamore seedlings have sprung up everywhere, and the paving and benches are in a state of disrepair. As a result of a nightclub opening around the corner, families are now reluctant to use the space because of discarded needles and other unpleasantries lurking within the grounds.

I've therefore leafleted the surrounding streets and set up the above action group. So far, twenty local residents have offered their time, to help with the clearing and renovation works.

I've applied to 'The Greenwich Pride Award Schemes' in an effort to obtain funding,so that a programme of clearing the borders, improving the soil and the autumn planting of shrubs, bulbs and perennials can be commenced. I should have a decision from them towards the end of August at which point things can get moving.

Our local councillor, Maureen O'Mara, has become involved and thanks to her efforts Greenwich Council will shortly be replacing the tired paving and benches.

It's nice to think that this underused space can be reclaimed. I'm hoping that by the spring of next year we will have turned the corner and that we can look forward to having a local public park that is family friendly, safe and enjoyable to be in.

Watch this space for developments!



  • At 4:06 pm, Blogger Raina said…

    nice one space is so important in London, and it seems a real shame that lots of them are neglected due to bureaucracy and mismanagement. Well done for taking the initiative to do it.

  • At 9:18 pm, Blogger suze said…

    Well done Rich and good luck I hope you are successful.

  • At 9:56 am, Blogger Annie said…

    Good for you! It looks an interesting space and worth the effort in maintaining so that it can be enjoyed more in the future. Hope you do get all the support you need.


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