Richard's Gardens

A record of my final year at university......and beyond

06 September 2006

Late Summer Border

Border still looking ok.

The recent rain and warm weather has perked everything up.

Miscanthus in full flower along with Rubeckia. Cannas are still putting on growth and new flower spikes are appearing. The Dahlias took a real battering in the high winds last week and have been removed (must remember not to plant them next year - they take up too much space and always require staking). Sedums colouring nicely. Sunflowers (a variety called 'Tranquility') are so tall they are out of shot, just about to bloom. Melianthus major foliage coming into it's own and matching the leaf colour of the Euphorbias and the end of the bed. Flower spikes beginning to be produced by Salvia guaranitica. Still no sign of the Gladioli flowers (I can't seem to grow them)

The runner beans at the far end have only just started producing crops (the beans don't 'set' in high temperatures).



  • At 3:07 pm, Blogger dickie said…

    Thanks for the tip John.

    I'll try that next year!


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