Richard's Gardens

A record of my final year at university......and beyond

11 August 2006

Hydrangea petiolaris

Just noticed the colouring on the new shoots of the Hydrangea this morning. Lovely contrast as the new wood turns from green to chestnut brown. Reminds me of electrical cabling.



  • At 12:09 pm, Blogger EmmaN said…

    Job offer!

    Hi all fellow ex-students. Realised I don't have an e-mail list to all garden designers and since Raina and Claire are on holiday no phone number either but since Richard is such a great blogger i giess that maybe a few of you have a look here sometimes..

    A friend of mine works for Andy Sturgeon down in Brighton and she contacted me today to ask if I knew any garden designers that would like to come and work full-time for him as soon as possible. Maybe some of you don't have a job yet and wouldn't mind Brighton..

    He want a CV sent or e-mailed as soon as possible and his home page is if you didn't know..

    well maybe this is good news for some of you, good luck! and i hope you're all well


  • At 3:26 pm, Blogger EmmaN said…

    I forgot to say that if you're interested contact kajsa on e-mail


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