Richard's Gardens

A record of my final year at university......and beyond

14 September 2006

Last Floral Fling

I'd hoped to have a rare species of exotica to show, painstakingly raised from seed, cosseted through the hot summer and finally in bloom at the end of the season.

Sadly, this is the best I can do, but I'm quite happy - Helianthus 'Tranquility' a towering nine feet tall, looking completely incongruous above its more polite neighbours.



  • At 1:39 pm, Blogger rg301 said…

    Nothing wrong with the SDun flower Rich, it is and always has been my favourite, i would say it is one of the best and toughest space fillers around! i once had one over 10ft almost (at least i think, we couldnt reach the top)

    How are you, everything good?


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