Richard's Gardens

A record of my final year at university......and beyond

17 September 2006

Progress - Catherine Grove Park

During the week the new benches and litter bin arrived and were bolted into place. It took just 2 days for one of the benches to be 'tagged' with silver spray paint.

Yesterday morning, volunteers cut back the hedge line around the perimeter of the park, in readiness for the railings to be painted black to match the colour of the benches.

The long border was dug and weeded (it is plagued with bindweed), and the island bed stripped of turf.

An overgrown area of the park (a fly-tippers paradise) was cleared, and the existing privet and lonicera nitida shrubs cut back. We hope to develop this area into a shady topiary garden, under existing Field Maples.

Six tonnes of spent mushroom compost will arrive this week, to improve the condition of the soil (which surprisingly is a good loam). We hope to incorporate this into the soil next weekend, before starting the shrub and bulb planting.



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